I wrote in my journal while on our trip because it is difficult to remember the exact feelings at particular moments when looking back. The trip was perfect in every way. Renee' is a real trooper, my "camping princess" - that's what I called her when she wore her Barbie sunglasses and camping dress. In fact, I saw a new personality from Renee' which caused me great happiness, but also some sad regret that I had not recognized this in the past. She is truly my special angel.
Here comes the Camping Princess!
I think she's thinking "not bad, honey"
The princess must get her beauty rest.
The coffee/hot chocolate water is boiling.
Renee' is the photographer!
7-10-10, Sat, 4:45 p.m.
Had most of camping gear pre-packed. Had to go to the store to get a couple of last minute things, a pint of OJ, milk, small boxes of cereal for Renee' to choose from (Frosted Flakes, of course), small bottle of ketchup. I had the car packed and we were ready by 10:30. Check-in is not until 3:00, so we went my mom and dad's, had Bojangles for lunch, then headed out. On the way we stopped by Kerr Drugs for bug spray (last visit here to fish, Renee' and I both got chiggers (UGH!) - but clear fingernail polish is a great remedy. We also got Renee' a pair of Barbie sunglasses and a cute "camping dress" she liked. We originally were shopping for a cute sun-hat for her. Near the camp, we stopped at the country store, they did not have a hat for Renee', but I got some hoop cheese/crackers, and fishing worms, just in case.
We checked in the office about 2:30 and had things set up in the cabin by 3:00. There were 4 set of bunk beds and one single bed which we used for our countertop. I had brought a card table also. We put our sleeping bags on the beds with our pillows. (While I sit here and write, I can hear Renee' in the cabin rearranging the chairs and talking to her 'friends'.) Renee' changed into her camping dress and I took some photos of her my "camping princess". She seemed happy - so far so good on the camping.
We walked down to the check out the water's edge - okay but not a lot of beach area, just a small place to stand and fish or put kayak in.
I got out the Coleman stove, showed Renee' how to work the water pump. I heated water while she prepared our cups for her hot chocolate and my instant Maxwell House/sweet'n low. Um, very good. We sat on the porch like two ladies have their afternoon tea.
I really love it here, it is my dream.
Since the Coleman works so easily, we went to the store and got some bacon to go with our eggs in the a.m. Came back, fixed our lunch at 4:00. Renee' had her usual - everything - except we couldn't toast her bread. (ham/cheese/lettuce/tomato/mustard sandwich, BBQ chips/dip). I had hoop cheese, red hots, olives. Then we walked to the bathroom again.
I'm sitting on the porch feeling right at home. I wish I could afford to do this every weekend!!
7/10, Sat, 8:45 p.m. - I fished while Renee' took a nap. After about 45 minutes, she walked down the path to see me. "How's it going?" she asked. I walked back to the cabin, got her a chair and she patiently sat with her 'friends' while I got sunburned trying to fish. I caught four but only one worth keeping, so I let them all go. It was so hot, the sun was bearing down, straight on me. Hopefully in the morning I can fish in the cooler temperature while Renee' sleeps late as usual.
About 7:15 I tried heating the leftover pizza mom had given us, it didn't work well, so we decided to have our hotdogs. I got out the "quick" charcoal grill (I bought for $2.99) - perfect!! Renee' set up the table with plastic cloth, plates, etc. I cut up onions, opened the baked beans and we have our picnic. Renee' also learned how to use the camera for the first time. The screen on the digital makes this possible because before she had trouble seeing through the small windows on old cameras. So, the pics you see of me - Renee' took.
The coals in the quick grill stayed hot long enough to heat water for a cup of coffee - I'm on my second cup now and more is heating while I write.
7-10-10, Sat, 4:45 p.m.
Had most of camping gear pre-packed. Had to go to the store to get a couple of last minute things, a pint of OJ, milk, small boxes of cereal for Renee' to choose from (Frosted Flakes, of course), small bottle of ketchup. I had the car packed and we were ready by 10:30. Check-in is not until 3:00, so we went my mom and dad's, had Bojangles for lunch, then headed out. On the way we stopped by Kerr Drugs for bug spray (last visit here to fish, Renee' and I both got chiggers (UGH!) - but clear fingernail polish is a great remedy. We also got Renee' a pair of Barbie sunglasses and a cute "camping dress" she liked. We originally were shopping for a cute sun-hat for her. Near the camp, we stopped at the country store, they did not have a hat for Renee', but I got some hoop cheese/crackers, and fishing worms, just in case.
We checked in the office about 2:30 and had things set up in the cabin by 3:00. There were 4 set of bunk beds and one single bed which we used for our countertop. I had brought a card table also. We put our sleeping bags on the beds with our pillows. (While I sit here and write, I can hear Renee' in the cabin rearranging the chairs and talking to her 'friends'.) Renee' changed into her camping dress and I took some photos of her my "camping princess". She seemed happy - so far so good on the camping.
We walked down to the check out the water's edge - okay but not a lot of beach area, just a small place to stand and fish or put kayak in.
I got out the Coleman stove, showed Renee' how to work the water pump. I heated water while she prepared our cups for her hot chocolate and my instant Maxwell House/sweet'n low. Um, very good. We sat on the porch like two ladies have their afternoon tea.
I really love it here, it is my dream.
Since the Coleman works so easily, we went to the store and got some bacon to go with our eggs in the a.m. Came back, fixed our lunch at 4:00. Renee' had her usual - everything - except we couldn't toast her bread. (ham/cheese/lettuce/tomato/mustard sandwich, BBQ chips/dip). I had hoop cheese, red hots, olives. Then we walked to the bathroom again.
I'm sitting on the porch feeling right at home. I wish I could afford to do this every weekend!!
7/10, Sat, 8:45 p.m. - I fished while Renee' took a nap. After about 45 minutes, she walked down the path to see me. "How's it going?" she asked. I walked back to the cabin, got her a chair and she patiently sat with her 'friends' while I got sunburned trying to fish. I caught four but only one worth keeping, so I let them all go. It was so hot, the sun was bearing down, straight on me. Hopefully in the morning I can fish in the cooler temperature while Renee' sleeps late as usual.
About 7:15 I tried heating the leftover pizza mom had given us, it didn't work well, so we decided to have our hotdogs. I got out the "quick" charcoal grill (I bought for $2.99) - perfect!! Renee' set up the table with plastic cloth, plates, etc. I cut up onions, opened the baked beans and we have our picnic. Renee' also learned how to use the camera for the first time. The screen on the digital makes this possible because before she had trouble seeing through the small windows on old cameras. So, the pics you see of me - Renee' took.
The coals in the quick grill stayed hot long enough to heat water for a cup of coffee - I'm on my second cup now and more is heating while I write.
The sun is setting. I don't have the porch light on because enough light is coming through the cabin window. We used the flashlight to walk to the facilities across the way a little. The cabin next door is vacant. It is so peaceful, the crickets and other night creatures have begun their melodies. Life doesn't get any better than this. Renee' is enjoying it too. I hate to sleep the time away. The lake water is glistening through the trees, slight ripples from the day's boating activities.
Sun morning, 7/11: I slept okay, just wanted to stay awake and enjoy my time here. I went outside about 3:30 in the morning to heat water on the Coleman, what a racket I made. Finally, a cup of coffee, I sat on the porch waiting for first light. About 4:15 we again took the flashlight to the bathroom. When we got back, Renee' went back to bed and I told her I was going down the path to fish.
When I had been fishing on Saturday, the worms kept wanted to crawl out of the little container, I guess it was too hot for them too and overnight, I had put them in the cabin. So, I got my rod, worms, tackle and went to the water. When I opened my worms, I didn't see but a couple and they were barely alive. The water was so calm I wished I could take my kayak out, what a perfect morning for it. But I dropped my casted bombs into the water - at least that's what it sounded like on such a quiet morning but after a while I learned to cast a bit quieter. I got a few nibbles, that's all. Fishing is a funny thing, I like it - if fact, if I knew how to fish, I would really love it. It's addictive really, hard to tear yourself away. But I needed to go to the store to get some more worms. - The store had not opened yet, oh well. So I came back to the cabin and had another cup of coffee.
I put the griddle on the Coleman and fixed us bacon and eggs, orange juice. Renee' set the plates. Breakfast seemed to taste like a gourmet meal. Then the two ladies had their morning 'tea' of hot chocolate and coffee once again. After breakfast, we went to the facilities to freshen up a little. Renee' wanted to rest a little more, and since it was cool outside, I decided to work on my hooking and listen to Deanne Fitzpatrick on my ipod.
Oh my - I was in heaven.
About 11:30 we both started packing up. After things were in the car, I went back to make sure we had not forgotten anything - and on the floor were my dead-frozen fishing worms. So, I swept them out the door. The sign on the cabin door read "don't feed the animals", but I guess a few dead frozen worms won't call up any bears.
We turned in the key, and were home by 2:00. All was unpacked, we showered and then picked up a NY pizza (pepperoni/mushrooms/onions/cheese) in celebration of a wonderful weekend, full of memories. Can't wait to do it again.
I'm glad Renee had a good time. I'm impressed that she has never taken pictures before because she did a really good job. Sounds like a wonderful and relaxing trip. (I hope you are not too sunburned.) I loved what you said about a gourmet meal. I wonder why food always tastes better when you're camping?
ma, this is great. sounds like you guys really enjoyed it. love the fact that renee had a great time and took pictures, way to go nanee. it seems to be just right for you and her. sweet togetherness.
cool sunglasses renee, i love em!!!!! oh yea and your neat camping dress. makes it perfect. love you soo much ma give her kisses for marilyn
Hi Bunch,
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Your camping trip sounds like it was a great time to relax and enjoy life.
Please post some more pictures of the rug you're working on!
When I start on your patterns I'll post them - hope they will make you proud !!!
Hi Mom and Renee,
I know were I get my "Love of Camping" gene from now. Sounds wonderful and when we come out that way next time, and if the kids are old enough, we can spend a night or two in the cabin next door.
Renee, you look like you are having so much fun. Have you tried fishing too?
I hope your weekend with Sharon and Jessica is just as much fun and tell them hi from us.
Jeff, Ginny, Jillian and William
OH yeah, stay away from those chiggers!!!!
Mom, that sounds great!!! I love it!! Lets hope Renee has as much fun when we go this weekend!!! I can't wait. Love you guys!!
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